Starting up Disco Elysium, almost as blind as I could possibly be.

Board 8

Had a busy day yesterday, but I ended up getting back to this today. I did end up restarting and putting a second point into physique. My full new stat spread is 2 Intelligence, 3 Psyche, 2 Physique, and 5 Motorics. It only took me like 15 minutes to get back to where I was and keep going.

Just gonna run through kind of a bullet point list of things I accomplished afterward:
  • Found the body, couldn't get the kids to leave me alone.
  • Successfully got closer on the third try after failing, getting ammonia and failing again, and then properly getting my shit together.
  • Stole 5 bucks from a passed out Wild Pines worker in the hotel, spent it on a book about philosophy or something in the bookstore. Though that part came after telling the owner to quit leaving her kid out in the cold. Kid got me a Dick Mullens fedora cuz she likes me now that we've had a deduce-off. I am now wearing it.
  • Shot the body down with Kim's gun. Did a pretty thorough autopsy, lost 1 HP looking down his throat though. In hindsight, not the best move. We both decided there was something we missed, so now we are searching for a fridge to store him in.
  • Reported my badge, gun, and weiner missing to Precinct 41. They enjoyed that, but not enough to send me money or tell me who I was.
  • Called the hotel bartender and got some more info about things around town from her.
  • After apologizing so much to people, all my inner voices have deemed me an "I'm sorry officer". I told them I was sorry, so now it's official.
  • Went north and talked to the negotiator on the boat. Failed an easy check to get around needing my badge and now Kim's mad at me for not being weird enough. But we get back in there, and she says she'll take finding a drugrunner as an alternative to showing her my badge.

Which is where I stopped, heading toward the docks to start talking to those caught in the traffic jam.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform