Starting up Disco Elysium, almost as blind as I could possibly be.

Board 8

Picked the game up during the Epic Games summer sale with the bonus $10 coupon. The only information I know about the game is that it is super open-ended and you can play however the fuck you want to an obscene degree. I think you're a detective? Maybe in like a dystopian future? I vaguely remember those being things. One thing I should get into before I get real deep into this:
This topic will eventually include spoilers, probably unmarked.

I don't know if the game even has spoilers, but I'm going to openly document any and all shenanigans I get into. I don't even know if the game lends itself to making for a good playthrough topic, but uh.... might as well.

First order of business was to learn this is apparently not a controller-based game. Really didn't like me trying to use one to get anywhere on the main menu.

The first actual order of business was starting my character. I didn't really like any of the presets, so I went with an high intelligence/low physique build, until I started looking at the signature skills.

This is some real abstract shit and I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. What the hell are these?
Hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life.
Work your mirror neurons.
Connect to Station 41. Understand cop culture.
Go to party planet.
Raise the hair on your neck. Tune into the city.
There's a separate skill for taking blows and enduring pain?

If I didn't know any better, I'd think this is an elaborate troll of the starting player, like "watch him sit here for a half hour wondering what these mean just for them all to do nothing!"

After seeing these, I decided to invest in more of the abstract stuff in lieu of intelligence. So my character's final stats are:
Intellect: 3
Psyche: 4
Fysique (why is this spelled with an f): 1
Motorics: 4
And his initial signature skill is Inland Empire (hunches and gut feelings).

Let the game begin.......
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform