New TV bought.

Board 8

Not sure if anyone is still interested in talking about this or even remembers the topic from like 2 weeks ago. I've still been using my TV with the dumb blue lines while I was sitting indecisive about my purchase.

After some thinking, I'd settled pretty hard on getting a 55". My current TV Is 50", I had room for bigger, but 65" I felt would be too big. At the price points, 50" again never seemed particularly reasonable. Loss of screen space for not much value.

I had an obvious lean at the start:

At about $500, it seemed reasonable. I was ready to make the purchase, but then, partly the cheapskate in me got the better of me. "This isn't a sale price, this is the regular retail price". I wasn't getting value here, I was just getting what it was worth. So I decided to sit on it. My initial thought was, sit and wait for a sale. So I did.

But waiting left me more time to research televisions. Amazon caught my eye with a woot deal email, $750 for a Q70, this is one of the middle end QLED's from Samsung, I was tempted, but it was also refurbished. At this point, it dawned on me perhaps I could get a refurbished higher end TV. This seemed good, but often these have cosmetic damage, and their best actually bought at a physical store to make sure their isn't any mumbo jumbo. I'm not willing to gamble here, so I hesitate a bit, though the prices seem tempting.

Research soon reveals that with Samsung, last years models typically outdo the current generation except on the upper end. Amazon tempted me, and now my budget expanded a bit as I had dreams of a slightly more feature rich TV. My search for a sale kept me patient, but I also now had my eye on a new prize, 2019 Samsung TV's

Now, I don't like Wal-Mart, but they did make positive news with the mask push, so I gave them a browse. What do I see but a 2019 Q60 on a big sale.

This is still their low end model from last year, but features ripped completely from the 2020 model are still present(120 Native refresh vs 60, this was a big draw to me). At $650, its priced down from a usual $900 price tag. That was the kind of value I was looking for. Just $150 more than I was intending to spend in the first place. I could budget that(Disneyland being closed indefinitely is saving me a lot of money). So I pulled the trigger. TV should be here Monday.

Side note the 65" at $800 is also a good deal, but I had long decided I definitely wasn't in the market for a TV that size.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.