
Board 8

foolm0r0n posted...
I don't know the context of this but this has always been the dumbest idea in the world that doesn't stand up to 5 seconds of scrutiny. Actually make that -1 seconds since literally in your previous sentence you're describing how much "just words" affected you.

Not to mention the thought behind the words clearly exists, which is the actual problem. You're not some chatbot that randomly spits out text. Don't reduce what you say to "just words". Appreciate that people actually care about what you think and take you seriously.
LMAO more than fair. Maybe that is a stupid thing to believe. i definitely dont think taking offense to such words is invalid or weak-willed or anything. Something about the outrage over those words really annoys me and i need to examine exactly why that is. Maybe im just desensitized and a completely inconsiderate asshole. wow i hope thats not it that would be terrible i should really be different. i mean i stopped saying these words because i know people find them offensive and i dont want to be the cause of emotional strife. But there exists a part of me that doesnt care. i guess thats a real problem huh. i hope this all makes sense and flows naturally im very high on weed and talking stream of consciousness and just trying to express what i really feel inside. What i really feel is that i regret using those slurs, both in the past and yesterday. i regret hurting anyone and i need to not say those things. im sorry for hurting anyone.
Esto es el fin, Grande Padre