Hearthstone Topic #5: The Generated By Meta

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Board 8 » Hearthstone Topic #5: The Generated By Meta

And since Ulti made fun of me for calling Diamond 10 Dad Legend I finally finished the climb to Diamond 5 entirely with my homebrew Thieflander. I consider that a success.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?

can you post your whole list again FFD?
yep yep

### Thieflander 1.1
# Class: Priest
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Phoenix
# 1x (1) Imprisoned Homunculus
# 1x (1) Mind Vision
# 1x (1) Reliquary of Souls
# 1x (1) Renew
# 1x (2) Penance
# 1x (2) Sethekk Veilweaver
# 1x (2) Shadow Word: Death
# 1x (2) Thoughtsteal
# 1x (2) Wild Pyromancer
# 1x (2) Zephrys the Great
# 1x (3) Apotheosis
# 1x (3) Breath of the Infinite
# 1x (3) Dark Prophecy
# 1x (3) Frozen Shadoweaver
# 1x (3) Madame Lazul
# 1x (3) Shadow Madness
# 1x (4) Burrowing Scorpid
# 1x (4) Escaped Manasaber
# 1x (4) Psychopomp
# 1x (5) Convincing Infiltrator
# 1x (5) Sandhoof Waterbearer
# 1x (6) Aeon Reaver
# 1x (6) Cabal Shadow Priest
# 1x (6) Khartut Defender
# 1x (6) Kronx Dragonhoof
# 1x (7) Galakrond, the Unspeakable
# 1x (7) Skeletal Dragon
# 1x (7) Soul Mirror
# 1x (9) Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
# 1x (9) Plague of Death
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
# Generated by HDT - https://hsreplay.net
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
I can't imagine feeling the need to prove anything to ulti
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
After day 1 of BGs, I have made it to 5k.

Seems fine.
Ive been stuck in the 8.5 k range for a while, its usually some hot streak then I have plenty of games where I just run into the player who got a Zeruss Kalecgos or the highroll Alex player or the double fish player early and Im just oh

Constructed doesnt feel great right now either. Feel like you either high roll or get highrolled in both metas right now
A correction is not "making fun of you", as I would never do such a thing with you :p

Emeraldegg posted...
I can't imagine feeling the need to prove anything to ulti
You Discord nutjobs really are literally obsessed. It's no wonder most of you haven't found success in life as of yet despite most of you either being in your 30s or pushing 30.
Yeah, I've played more Arena the last few weeks than I did the year before. Everything feels pretty bad right now.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
Constructed is great actually, Pure Paladin has never been better!
I guess I should clarify that I don't think the Control Archetype has ever been in a worse spot than right now, and that's the only archetype I really like to play. The only decks they can beat consistently are the aggro Hunters and Demon Hunters, and non-highrolling Druids.
Rogue's value-generation and swing capabilities are both completely absurd.
Warrior can 24 damage combo you.
Paladins will eventually out-tempo your removal with unlimited buffs
Mage has multiple massive swing turns, starting on Turn 6, before Priest's best removal card can come out.
Warlock can either buff the shit out of their hand to the point where nothing can keep up, or eventually pull off a 36 damage Malygos combo.

The only way to build a competitive deck right now is to run something that can potentially highroll to the point where you can't possibly get beat. And that's when Hearthstone becomes a one-player game, not a two-player one, which is the worst-case scenario.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform
I have to believe that constructed can't be in that great a place given that since I've returned I have a 61%+ win rate (across 225+ games) even though I had zero knowledge of a single non-classic card nevermind any deck I was facing.

To me suggests that (some) decks don't care about what your opponent is even doing most of the time. And yeah that has always been true in most metas but in a good meta, that shouldn't be the case. You should at least care about what your opponent is doing most of the time.
oh yeah I was joking

I mean, I did think Diamond 10 counted too but I was going to push for D5 regardless.

Maybe with the extra stars I'll push for legend next month. I just want to do it once entirely with a homebrew. Down with netdecks.

I don't care if a match takes 45 minutes (vs Highlander Mage) or and hour (vs Gala Priest) because those are the fun matches for me. And if I do ever queue into a demon or regular Hunter the match only lasts 5 minutes and o have like an 85% winrate against them.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
I am the unluckiest Rafaam gamer in existence. I have 14 games as him and only 8 wins. On a pretty heavy loss streak at the moment. Hoping future games hold more success. Oh, and after I get 2 7th places, each game getting hit by 20ish damage mid-game by highrollers hitting their power spike, I decide to watch a friend play and give him tips. He buys a Zerus both games early on. First game, first turn Zerus turns into coiler. 2nd game 1st turn it hits Lightfang. I want his luck.

Ok played one last game after I posted this and got 1st with a Baron Mech Deathrattle comp. Nozdormu >> Rafaam change my mind.
Just won a game in standard by playing one card on turn 6.

Druid greets me (rogue) and does nothing . I stab face.
They hero power. I stab face.
They play Fungal Fortunes, discard Ysera in the process. I stab face.
They play Wild Growth. I stab face.
They play another Fungal Fortunes, discard Exotic Mountseller. I stab face.
They play Glowfly Swarm followed by Power of the Wild. I play Flik and destroy their board. (I also shadowstep Flik, so I guess technically I played two cards.)
They concede.
Congratulations to all the gurus, past and present, participating in the contest.
Video Game Music Contest 14: Now in progress. Come join us!
ESY16 posted...
Nozdormu >> Rafaam change my mind.

I think most people would agree with you there actually. Noz can level on 7 gold and potentially get a 3 drop earlier than everyone else. Same with 9 gold and 4 drops.
Yeah I think I go

Eddie or Kael

for my top five heroes right now.
Warning: I'm literally VeryInsane.
skullbone posted...
Noz can level on 7 gold and potentially get a 3 drop earlier than everyone else. Same with 9 gold and 4 drops.

Elise says "hi"

Also she can Discover the 3 and 4 drop which increases it's likelihood to be a premium minion of that tier.

Noz is better than elise overall because his hero power is valued at like 10+ gold over the course of the game, but Elise is strong for that same reason.
Regarding Noz vs Rafaam though, I will take Rafaam if i'm offered both.

I think I'm more likely to take 1st with Rafaam, but I'm more likely to top 4 with Rafaam. Noz is fantastic for consistency because seeing more rolls is going to help you, but you are still limited to buying the same power level things as everyone else. Rafaam is providing you 1 gold minions starting on turn 2 and those minions are going to help you finish triples, especially triples of either spawn or common taunts. So you end up getting 7 on board the fastest and just generally being in a position where it would be very difficult to bottom 4.

I think I take KT over Noz these days as well for a similar reason. KT's 5, 7 and 8 gold turns are just super nutty unless you super low roll your windows.
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
Fliking Flik is my favorite thing to do, so I half agree.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Noz has been my most consistent hero as of late. I've still got the best record (by volume) with Deryl, but I never seem to get him any more.
Congratulations to all the gurus, past and present, participating in the contest.
Video Game Music Contest 14: Now in progress. Come join us!
Its close because those two are the most consistent at getting Tokens and Spawn, which are easily the best units in the early game.

other honorable mentions: Pyramad (hate playing it though), Deathwings still pretty good, Reno is eh but hes hilariously fun to play. Most underrated though is easily Shudderwock
I'm not a huge fan of Flik, but my main issue with Flik is that it's in Rogue, the class that's not supposed to have efficient board clears. And Flik can (situationally of course) be a really efficient board clear.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
If you don't want Flik to be a board clear, don't depend on Firefly Swarm. Easy fix.
Congratulations to all the gurus, past and present, participating in the contest.
Video Game Music Contest 14: Now in progress. Come join us!
Honestly Dragon variant of spell druid feels much better

People freak out about the glow fly tokens and then dont have answers to Ysera Dream Portald Dragons or a tempod Malygos, not to mention additional ramp in Breath of Dreams
Not a lot of great Flik targets in Pure Paladin.... just sayin
Actually getting Aldor Truthseeker fliked about kinda suck
Every time I hear about Pure Paladin it makes me want to play Pure Reno Paladin before I inevitably remember why that doesn't really work.
When someone other than azuarc is giving you his opinion on video game polls, you should receive it with deep gratitude even though it is worthless.
My mmr is strange, just played back to back games against a mostly gold Galakrond Rogue using the legend card back and then someone playing the basic Hunter deck. Bloodfen Raptors, Raid Leaders, Oasis Snapjaws.

Though I did beat the Rogue and lost to the Hunter so maybe that's why my mmr is wonky.
When someone other than azuarc is giving you his opinion on video game polls, you should receive it with deep gratitude even though it is worthless.
Post #30 was unavailable or deleted.
UltimaterializerX posted...
Cosmetics has nothing to do with mmr, bro.
Running Bloodfen Raptor, Raid leader, and Oasis Snapjaw probably does have a pretty strong correlation with low MMR, though.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
Post #32 was unavailable or deleted.
I think that showed how silly Odd Paladin was

lets all be thankful they decided to hall of fame genn and Baku a year early
I told myself I would play until I lost today.

I went 10-0 and had to stop for dinner at Diamond 1.

I'm convinced the game will troll me when I go back.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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Post #36 was unavailable or deleted.
UltimaterializerX posted...
And then Magic the Gathering decided to copy the mechanic.

Spoilers, it's a complete f***ing s***show. It's almost like copying mechanics from the worst game ever made is a bad idea or something. I am in no way surprised that Magic's lowest point lines up with bringing Hearthstone ideas in as major set keywords.
I mean, the odd and even ones in MtG aren't too bad for balance level.

They just made a full cycle of 10 of them, and some of them are really mild restrictions like "if your deck has 80 starting cards instead of 60". And "if the only creatures in your deck are Cat, Elemental, Nightmare, Dinosaur, or Beast card"--which sounds kind-of restrictive until you realize magic has creatureless control decks, and control decks that only run a few creatures some of which just happen to be beasts.

Oh, also unlike Genn/Baku where drawing Genn or Baku out of your deck can be a downside, there is almost no downside to the mtg version of the mechanic (they use up a single sideboard slot in a tournament setting, as opposed to using up a slot in your deck and potentially being a bad draw).

TL;DR: MtG borrowed the mechanic, but were also like "hey, what if there were 10 of these instead of 2, and what if they had way fewer downsides?"
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
Post #38 was unavailable or deleted.
Just had the god luck with a late game demon build in battlegrounds.

Top 3 was:

My Demons (gold mal'ganis, 2x imp mama, gold voidlord, juggler, other crap)
Late game Mackerel
Late game Deathrattle/Cleave

And I felt absurdly unfavored.
Because the numbers on the screen told me that I was absurdly unfavored. I won a 17% round to stay alive against the cleave comp. (dealt minimal damage because only a single token survived). Then I hit a sub 30% tie to stay alive against the mackerel comp. (it was still a divine shield/mech comp, it became mackerel the following fight). Then I hit the 13% win against the cleave comp but the imp mamas did major work and so I got the kill. Then I hit the about 20% win against the mackerel comp to take 1st.

Taken as a set my chance to not-die was around 1.3%.

Granted I was feeling pretty miserable as it was progressing because I kept seeing the low% chances AND it NEVER LET ME FIGHT THE GHOST. We were on 3 players for awhile and they were just taking turns against the ghost while I had to alternate fighting each of them. Consequently they both took the first opportunity to go to 6 and I was stuck rolling on 5 because I never got a reprieve.
UltimaterializerX posted...
I find it entertaining you're calling Yorion's effect mild
No, I'm calling Yorion's downside mild.

Running an 80 card deck instead of a 60 card deck is like...such a mild price to pay for the upside you get. A lot less restrictive than odd/even/highlander/etc.


They clearly had no clue how broken a free 8th card on cue was going to be

TBH, I hope the nerf they are announcing in a few days is just "you can run a companion, but for every companion you run you start with one less card in your hand." That way it's back to being a 7 card hand, but it might still be worth it for decks with lots of synergy.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands peanut butter side down. A cat with toast strapped to its back will hover above the ground in a state of quantum indecision
I suppose I should make the push for Dad legend before month end just for the extra bonus star next month
UltimaterializerX posted...
NEVER stop when in a winning streak! :(


went 5-5 after dinner for absolutely no progress
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Good grief. Just lost a game because the opponents saves from lethal were this:

Turn 9 - Alexstrasza from 4 HP up to 15 HP
Turn 10 - Dragonqueen Alexstrasza > Get a second Alexstrasza to clear 4x Leper Gnomes and HP back up to 15 from 5
Turn 11 - Bandersmosh > King Krush to get lethal when I had 26 HP and he was staring at lethal next turn

That feels like a bad loss even if he had other answers in hand even without the King Krush (I don't know if he did or not)
Well tonight didn't feel productive even if it technically was. Went 13-12 for a gain of 3 stars leaving me at Diamond 7 with 1 Star.

Did like all the Rogues and Mages disappear from ladder play or something? Those were typically easy wins for me and I came across precisely zero tonight. Breakdown of what I played:

5 Hunter
4 Shaman
4 Paladin
3 Priest
3 Druid
3 Demonhunter
2 Warlock
1 Warrior
I legit don't know if I've played against a single Shaman this entire month.
When someone other than azuarc is giving you his opinion on video game polls, you should receive it with deep gratitude even though it is worthless.
I ran into evolve shaman twice today. Haven't seen the token variant in awhile
I guess be careful what you wish for. Played 2 Rogues and 1 Mage today. Lost all 3 matches. My previous winrates against those classes this month was 80%+
I think I'm about to just give up on this month. I can't string a win streak together at all today. Every time I string together 2 wins it gives me a horrible match up.

I lost 7 in a row earlier so it's looking like unless I physically play all day then I won't reach Diamond 5. Especially since I think I'm frustrated so making misplays which has probably cost me a few matches.

Next month I'll probably use dust to create a different deck so I'm not just running quick games constantly hoping to string together win streaks. Have like 2500 Gold and 6500 Dust now but I'm sure if I started dusted wild stuff I'd have a ton.
This is a deck that I had previously been winning with at a ~61% rate for the rest of the month. 2-13 in my last 15 games. Not sure how it has shifted so drastically to this.


EDIT: 2-14 now. At least I'm at the floor so if I did want to experiment and actually keep tyring, now would be the time
Getting hit down to like 2 and then slowly clawing my way back up to 30 while they run out of resources is the best.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Board 8 » Hearthstone Topic #5: The Generated By Meta
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