Go buy Outer Wilds

Board 8

I got it on sale during the Epic Games sale last holiday and just sat on it until this past Tuesday. For the next two and a half days, I spent the majority of my time playing it to the end. On Friday, my 20 year old niece came over to stay the night and hang out, as she typically does, and I played it again from start to finish the past two days to show everything off, letting her input on where to go and what to do. She was enamored basically the entire time.

And so was I. Still. I spent my time lying in bed last night thinking about it more. Then I woke up this morning and finished watching a documentary online about its development. Did you know the inspiration behind this game came about because the creator was a huge Zelda fan, but hated what they did with Skyward Sword? It's true!

But that's beside the point. I don't think a game has ever quite resonated with me quite like this game did. Every once in a while, there is a game comes along that I beat and have to tell everyone about, because it hit every right note with me. Undertale and Return of the Obra Dinn come to mind as examples. But I don't think there's much to talk about with Outer Wilds. It's simply something you have to play yourself, because hearing about it or watching it just isn't the same.

This game is a fucking gem. It's such a unique experience; one that will just make you happy that you enjoy video games.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform