Now Civilization VI is free on Epic

Board 8

status update:

'America' the country, led by Teddy Roosevelt, is located in South America. The capital, Washington, is in the western border of the real-world Brazilian rain forest. Philadelphia sits in the eastern border of the rain forest and is nearly as large as Washington. New York is a desert peninsula city to the southwest, containing a holy site where Judaism was founded. Charleston sits far inland near a lake and very close to Jerusalem. Baltimore is a mid-sized harbor town on the southeast coast.

Friendly city-states include Jerusalem to the east, Carthage to the north, Amsterdam to the southeast, Valetta to the far south, and a few with lesser relations to the far north. I've long been established as friends and allies with Gilgamesh. Queen Elizabeth is reluctant to grant friendship. A couple other foreign leaders have requested to establish embassies in my capital, but we've made little other progress in relations.

Having a great time with the game. I've gone from Chiefdom to Classical Republic to Theocracy to Market Republic. For a while I was pumping out tons of Faith and using Theocracy perks to purchase builds with it. Once I had a good number of trade routes established and my religion was spread as far as I could feasibly reach with current technology, I switched to Market Republic and am just leveraging the passive income.

Turn 145/250
1836 AD