Star Wars trilogies

Board 8

I don't want to bore everyone here with my uninteresting takes, but I think the Sequel Trilogy really is just indicative of how the studio executive side of Hollywood can too easily make something that could be excellent worse. I'm always reminded of how NBC execs thought they had cast Friends so well, and they proceeded to try and run everything else into the ground with their incessant notetaking in the decade following that, essentially putting NBC into 4th as a network after reigning supreme at the top for so long. This was probably most notable with SNL going through a lot of creative upheaval, notably with the Weekend Update situation and Norm MacDonald. Disney seems to have the same sense of "we've been successful with Marvel - now it's time to take to Star Wars the same way."
"It is too easy being monsters. Let us try to be human." ~Victor Frankenstein, Penny Dreadful