Star Wars trilogies

Board 8

BetrayedTangy posted...
But that's just it your argument lacks depth as well.

First off just about every film exists to make money, the difference being the level of care put into them. The Dark Knight is a great example it's part of a huge film franchise, but you can tell Christopher Nolan took the time to make it his vision. Whereas Batman & Robin on the other hand is there to sell toys. George Clooney has gone on record saying he doesn't even understand Batman as a character.

Which leads us to Star Wars. The OT was very much Lucas' vision with competent creators behind it.

The issue with the PT is largely Lucas. He had total control and took on more than he could handle competently, resulting in the mess.

The ST on the other hand are much more competently made, with good special effects, decent writing and acting. But George Lucas had nothing to do with it, many people who dislike the ST do so because they don't think it feels like Star Wars.

I never made any pretension to it. People who hate the sequel trilogy rant on and on about it and say very little for it. I almost don't understand why someone could possibly hate the movies that much, and even then most of what I do understand is due to outside influences.

And f*** people acting like more characters played by women and people of color somehow has an adverse effect on the movies' quality. The more I think about it, the more that just makes everyone making such a complaint look like a horribly intolerant bigot.
"Nothing I could do!"