MrSmartGuy ranks Danganronpa categories that you ask for

Board 8

Even after having slept, I don't really have much for future Ultimates I'd want to see. I love to golf, so I guess I'd like an Ultimate Golfer to go with Ryoma's Ultimate Tennis Pro, but really, I'm good just going with whatever they decide to use.

Favorite Areas to Explore:
Nothing really stands out to me as a place I like to explore in-game more than anywhere else. Like, I don't enjoy walking through the V3 casino area any more or less than the fourth floor of the academy. The third floor and the area around the hangar are both unique enough, but again, I don't have any strong feelings one way or the other about either of them regardless. So I guess I'm just gonna break this up by game, because that I DO feel strongly about.

#3. Hope's Peak Academy - HPA is boring. I don't like the controls of DR1, and there's nothing exciting to see. It's all very same-y.

#2. Jabberwock Island - I love that they just did away with all the first-person trash and just let us zip and zoom everywhere we needed to go. All the different islands were super unique, and lots of surprises were abound. However, as a result of the third-person stuff, it didn't really immerse the player in the surroundings, leaving you feel a bit disjointed.

#1. Academy for Gifted Juveniles - They really got the aesthetic down for the third game. The first-person control was tightened up to feel better, and everything is so luscious and pleasing to look at. It was still a bit tedious to find new areas to open up after every chapter, but at least as part of doing so, you got to find all the new Ultimate Labs. I always found myself trying to guess whose lab I was about to open up whenever I found a new door, and I loved it.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform