oh hell yeah ffvii is on switch (playthrough?)

Board 8

I just read through this and I noticed some discussion of missing this guy are sick - not to worry, that line is not in this version of the game. All the rereleases other than the PSOne Classics version are based on the PC version, which had a significantly improved translation. Its still the same in the basics - so Aeris instead of Aerith, Safer Sephiroth instead of Sepher Sephiroth, and the old spell naming convention - but it does fix most of the blatant errors and read much more naturally. And so, this guy is sick. This is a good thing because not only was the PS1 version loaded with errors and awkward lines, but it actively worked against the player at a few points. I believe the updated translation still trolls you in the Guard Scorpion fight though!
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh Advokaiser