my top 32 tabletop games

Board 8

Naye745 posted...
yeah i read about that, and my misgivings with queen games aside, i'm intrigued

interestingly my excitement and worry for each game is the complete reverse:
macao has god-awful graphic design and a truly nonexistent theme, so a visual redesign is super compelling and welcome, but man i am going to scrutinize every gameplay change because the original is a masterpiece

bruges on the other hand is a really neat game but i think could take a step up with some reworkings - the card draws in particular can be painfully random at times and the game can feel a little too "hope and pray" kind of tactical, but i really liked the art and theme of the original, the canal-building and buildings are specific to the city, and the 165 (!) unique pieces of character art were absolutely joyful. the retheme should be fine, but it already seems a lot less compelling

A couple more thoughts -

  • I have never played Isle of Skye, but I have always wanted to.
  • I only played Macao once and I really liked the way the mechanics came together, but the theme was drier than week old toast, which was a big turn off to some of the friends who played it with me. The friend who owned it ended up selling it off. Maybe the remake will be worth checking out.
  • I also played Bruges once last year and that one didn't grab any of my group at all. I could best describe it as "adequate". It's a nice victory point game that was put together well, but absolutely nothing about it stood out from all of the other victory point games. When you have played 350+ different games over the years, games start to blend together and a solid game with good gameplay needs to do something notable to stick out - whether it's the theme, the components, a new twist on a mechanic, it's sense of humor - something. Bruges wasn't bad, but noone in our group felt compelled to play it ever again after the first playthrough.
Yay - azuarc is the guru champion of awesomeness.