my top 32 tabletop games

Board 8

Man the longer I look at this topic, the more games that come to mind that I want to talk about. I guess I've gotten much deeper into the hobby than I realized. One night a week really adds up!

But anyway, wanted to comment on viticulture. I agree with your sentiment that the ending tends to feel...abrupt. The design tricks you into thinking it's an engine builder, but in reality, it's a sprint. I haven't played a ton of it (maybe 5 games) but I've found that it's almost always more successful to just sell off two of your fields immediately, build a cottage, churn two-buck chuck (low quality wine) like a madman** and just draw as many cards as possilbe. No kidding I have won Viticulure while only planting one vine. But maybe this sort of stuff depends on the group. I've always said I want to play a game to like 100 instead of 20, because the cards are OP and it's too easy to nickel and dime your way to a win.

**edit: to clarify what I mean is mainly just sell grapes or leverage the cards that say pay a grape to do something, or whatever. And if you happen to draw a low quality order, sure go for it, but don't go out of your way