Epic Game Store has 12 days of free games - first game: Into the Breach

Board 8

I have yet to buy anything from the Epic Store
I mean, I am always on the "Epic sucks and fuck them for making exclusives a thing" but it's been too long and I don't see Steam doing anything to make up for it, so I am tired of supporting the losing side, you know?

And the $10 off of a game that is already on sale is too tempting...
But I am also a sucker for achievements and until Epic do something about it I am not interesting in buying a game, if I can't have achievements then I can have other ways to get those game..

Also, totally wanted Borderlands 3. But I know that I will want all the DLC. And the season pass is fucking $50, no thank you. I will wait a few months/years or whatever, this price is insane