ATTN Fatal Frame fans - is the first one better on Ps2 or Xbox

Board 8

Board 8 » ATTN Fatal Frame fans - is the first one better on Ps2 or Xbox
I own it for both but I wanna play the better version

It always seemed to me Xbox versions of games usually had better graphics, but Ps2 versions ran smoother
Genesis does what Nintendon't
Xbox version is superior. Graphics & sound and even the gameplay in some areas are noticeably improved over the PS2 version and plus there's a whole bunch of extra features not in the PS2 version!
What I am about to do has not been approved by the Vatican. -
Snake5555555555 posted...
Xbox version is superior. Graphics & sound and even the gameplay in some areas are noticeably improved over the PS2 version and plus there's a whole bunch of extra features not in the PS2 version!

Thanks a ton!
Genesis does what Nintendon't
Board 8 » ATTN Fatal Frame fans - is the first one better on Ps2 or Xbox