The CW Arrow-verse topic: The Crisis is imminent!

Board 8

Killing Oliver was great. He is always sacrificing himself anyway. They're trying to bring him back but I hope it doesn't quite work. I get that Arrowverse started with him but he had his peak last year already.

I haven't watched any of Batwoman and people say Ruby Rose is kinda dry but in these episodes she's really awesome.

Overall I'm really impressed with this so far. It feels like it has the same scope and caliber of events as something like Endgame, even though the budget is obviously microscopic in comparison. It's all pretty easy to follow too. Even if it's a bit confusing why Oliver has such an old daughter and why Lex Luthor is mexican. It's got a serious lack of the Flash though. But I'm guessing the majority of the next 3 episodes will deal with his part.
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