This poll of the day kind of actively pisses me off.

Board 8

Also the fact I cant find this website again because i am literally being drowned out in conspiracy rehashing is real fucking depressing.

SantaRPidgey posted...
so you're saying that these skeptics should just go to this site that's relatively hard to find with a google search.

I'm saying this shouldn't be that hard to google search but people(and the internet) have been exploited in horrible ways.

Basically, at a certain point, there are certain major events that we should be able to take as fact without needing to fend off conspiracy theories. Because at a certain point in human history physical evidence to these facts will no longer exist. We should be able to take historical facts at face value and not have people literally just denying facts.
"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.