Dillo Maker 2: Ritual of the Night [clone-a-willy] [dillos]

Board 8

trying to actually eyeball your posts directly from the graph

it looks like that your most recent post (the highest point by the y-axis) was the point just ~0.8 off of x=22, which would be 10pm + 0.8*60... ~48 minutes? 10:48pm?

other close guess for the highest point is that one in the x=0 range, offset maybe 0.9... so 12:54am?

*checks raka's profile for those most recent posts*


bingo! I was off on the order between the two (the 12am post was the most recent one), but my guesses on the time were pretty great! 10:41pm and 12:43am

stalking skills levelled up
somethin somethin hung somethin horse somethin