Anyone playing Dota Underlords? (official auto chess game)

Board 8

I played 4 games of Chess Rush (dota auto chess ripoff made by Tencent) and won all 4. Some of the localization is like really bad, but it plays pretty well. A lot of the units are pretty much copy and paste from autochess but there are some minor differences in synergies and such as well as some having more bonuses for upgrading.

There is some good QOL stuff like being able to have the game alert you to heroes that fit your game plan by picking a comp you are trying to go into, how many of each hero in the shop you currently have, if they fit a synergy you have, etc. Items also have a drop down that let you know if you can put it on a suitable hero. In addition, once you put an item on a hero and you get one of the same you can upgrade it so it doesn't take a new slot. That said, there is a lot going on and the UI scaling is pretty bad. The chess board itself needs to take more of the screen on mobile. It's just a lot harder to identify a unit by just looking at them due to the size and that's a pretty big issue.

While I don't think the actual character models are that great overall, the attack animations are stuff looks amazing for the style of game. Like in normal autochess mobile the legendary wizard guys attack is not very visible on screen, but in this game you see this huge orb just bouncing around the enemy team. It's a lot easier to tell when your big hitters are doing the damage you want them to do. Same with the lightblade night (luna in dota). In autochess mobile her attack has like almost no real animation effects but you can clearly see it here.

There is also English voice acting right out of the gates. There are only like 4 little avatar things right now and they have unique voices from what i understand. I mean some of them are behind paywalls, but the game has to make money some how. You start with this cute... bear? I think or maybe a dog? I'm not quite sure but when you start a game all the player models go through like fly through a warp zone.

The games themselves move a little faster than normal autochess and you have a new turbo mode with double gold and xp (haven't played it yet). But games still take between 25-30 minutes overall on the normal mode. Still, you tend to get more gold, you start out using more heroes, and you get more xp for spending gold on xp so you can boost to higher levels faster. The creep battles you get are also much easier than in autochess. Some stuff needs to be cleaned up like you can drag to sell or drag to equip etc.
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Updated: July 27th, 2016.