Anyone playing Dota Underlords? (official auto chess game)

Board 8

also i won my first game of underlords by getting a pudge 3 and giving him radiance

his 4500 hp with that kind of aoe just by existing is insane. i got to 17 hp at the bottom of the pack and slowly killing every other player one by one and ending the game with 17 hp, with the other teams helplessly trying to roll and improve their synergies to beat him the next time they run into him. but it was for naught. he was unstoppable.

my team wasn't even good besides pudge. i got the "humans count as heartless" passive and just got every human and undead i could.... instead of strategically picking the best 6 humans/undead combo and building good physical damage to take advantage of the aura. i wonder what the best lineup with that passive would be?
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG