Anyone playing Dota Underlords? (official auto chess game)

Board 8

WazzupGenius00 posted...
Auto Chess is the first game that I have ever watched a decent amount of footage of and been completely unable to understand why anyone would find it fun to play. Like literally any other game, even if I dislike it, I can find a reason why people would like it or want to play it. This genre looks completely uninteresting and not fun and I just can't comprehend what the attraction point is for all the people who love it.

I think if you look at this game and you just don't really get why someone would find it fun, to the point that it looks to you like there is no gameplay.... you should give it a try!

Ultimately, it's a game about building up the best team you can based on unit strength and team synergies with other units, over a period of time with a limited amount of income. It's very satisfying to do well.

I have a friend who's been saying "wow, you dont even control your units, how can that possibly be fun. units only have one spell, i wanna see them use all 4 spells, etc" and largely because he just has never tried anything like it and can't wrap his head around it. I sing it's praises all the time so he asked me to watch a guy streaming Underlord with 2 viewers with him and commentate on everything that happened. I spent the next 45 minutes nonstop talking about every choice the guy was making - what units he was choosing that aren't strong, what synergies he was building up and why they were good, and also commenting on the easy synergies he was missing from easy unit pickups that he wasn't going for. How the guy was positioning his board poorly but it was working out for him anyways against easy bots, how he was making poor economy choices by investing too much gold into units on his bench that he wasn't going to use anyways and missing out on valuable interest, when he was making good choices to reroll and what were bad choices, how the opponent in the end game ended up stomping him and how that lineup worked, and how that guy was actually much weaker than it should because his Troll Warlord carry didn't even have 1 other troll to buff him up. Then we watched Kripp play a game and I commentated on all of the MUCH better choices Kripp was making compared to the first nobody we watched. Over an hour of watching and I don't think I stopped talking about what was happening once. So he's finally installed the game.

It's a very deep game with a lot of decision making to put yourself in the best position. There is plenty of RNG to play around, but ultimately it's all making the best decisions to set yourself up no matter what the RNG chooses to do

As a loose comparison point, why would anyone ever find turret defense fun? You just put a thing down and watch it kill stuff as they walk by. What's fun about that? You aren't doing anything. Well, there's a lot people find fun in that sort of gameplay(....though I personally don't like turret defense)

Personally for me, one of my favourite games of all time is Ogre Battle 64, a game where you don't directly control your units, you just put them in a position to succeed and they play out the combat for you, so the idea of "you aren't even controlling your units" doesn't make me blink at all - I already know how great a game like that can be.
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG