Pokemon Sword and Shield to not include all the Pokemon

Board 8

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Board 8 » Pokemon Sword and Shield to not include all the Pokemon
It's also just that saying they *had* to remove the National Dex to be able to make Sw/Sh what they wanted it to be puts absolutely enormous expectations on those games. It doesn't seem like Game Freak even appreciates the expectations they've created, much less are prepared to meet them.

what kills me is people saying dynamax is a reason they can't do all the pokeys, like dynamax is anything but scaling up the same model, there's games with glitches that "dynamax" shit I mean jfc
SuperNiceDog didn't have to reconcile his name...
But Dauntless Hunter is now MrGreenonion
There's no question of "understanding" Santa here
Not to be confused with XIII_Stones.
My breaking point was a little earlier. Ultra SuMo were very lazy games which didn't do a whole lot to improve SuMo and even made them worse in quite a few ways. Combine that with SuMo being shaky in the first place...

And then Let's Go happened.
Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality
Board 8 » Pokemon Sword and Shield to not include all the Pokemon
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