Game of Thrones Season 8: Final Topic [spoilers]

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Board 8 » Game of Thrones Season 8: Final Topic [spoilers]
I predicted Bran as king
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I think I would've felt good about Jaime if they made one small change...

His arc was one of redemption. But in the end, he still had the ties of his love of his sister... they just needed to frame his ride south as one of heroism, and not one of relapse. "You've seen the dragons... if I don't go, she will die. And she's my sister". Make Jaime's ride one of sacrifice, where he's giving up his newfound place in life to save his sister who will die without him.
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic
Did Ulti really predict that or are people just shit posting?
"A more mature answer than I expected."~ Jakyl25
"Sephy's point is right."~ Inviso
Nelson_Mandela posted...
Did Ulti really predict that or are people just shit posting?

Apparently Ulti read the spoilers and was repeating them for a few weeks to seem cool. I never read any of his posts about the show though.

I'm just saying I did actually predict Bran and Grey Worm as the 2 highest authorities at the end.
2 + 2 = 4
what's west of Westeros?

these violent delights have violent ends
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Ulti read the spoilers and basically "predicted" things
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GranzonEx posted...
what's west of Westeros?

these violent delights have violent ends

( SBell )
GranzonEx posted...
Ulti read the spoilers and basically "predicted" things

( SBell )
So I dont know about you guys, but I would be totally hyped for a spinoff series with sailor Arya. No politics, just classic fantasy adventure aka Sinbad.
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Honestly I respect Maisie enough as an actress to not have her shackled to the Arya character for another whatever plus years after being Arya for so long now
You were the cancer, that's all you'll ever be
...and when the Clouds cleared, Advokaiser stood alone as CBX Guru Champ
redrocket posted...
So I dont know about you guys, but I would be totally hyped for a spinoff series with sailor Arya. No politics, just classic fantasy adventure aka Sinbad.

She'd need to be shipwrecked and lose her memory and start fresh, slowly remembering little things, "did you know you could throw a dagger like that?". Shit like that.
( SBell )
They wouldn't have the budget for it, but making it off-the-walls fantasy would be great.
"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." - FAHtastic
foolm0r0n posted...
I predicted Bran as king

I predicted Bran as king in episode 1! Don't steal my thunder here.
"It is too easy being monsters. Let us try to be human." ~Victor Frankenstein, Penny Dreadful
Isn't the spinoff the Age of Heroes? There should be more fantastical elements or what is even the point?
DPOblivion was far more determined than me.
HeroDelTiempo17 posted...
Isn't the spinoff the Age of Heroes? There should be more fantastical elements or what is even the point?

The pieces of information we have suggests that there will be more appearances by non-human races, and also the building of the Wall will be involved. But there will likely not be any Targaryen-related arcs here.
"It is too easy being monsters. Let us try to be human." ~Victor Frankenstein, Penny Dreadful
I wouldn't really be too hyped for that. I don't think anyone of the characters is in a situation begging for a spinoff. If they are desperate for something with similar antics to the show but lower in scale, maybe something about Gendry in storms end adapting to his new life as a ruler with the stigma of being raised a commoner, being a bastard, and being appointed Lord from the Dragon Queen. That might be interesting. Especially since we never saw storms end.
They should also consider a curb your enthusiasm westeros episode where Larry decides to skip dinner, using the large dragon outside as an excuse. Everyone then yells at him that there's always a dragon! You can't just skip out on dinner every day there's a dragon flying around! Larry then fires back that it was a larger than average dragon.
@UltimaterializerX did you really read the spoilers and then posted them as "predictions"?
I don't want to believe this, I mean I know you are not the nicest person in the world, but you are not a monster, I know this!
redrocket posted...
So I dont know about you guys, but I would be totally hyped for a spinoff series with sailor Arya. No politics, just classic fantasy adventure aka Sinbad.

I think this would be a lot of fun!

Honestly I think they could do a season on any of the remaining Stark kids/Jon and it would be fun depending on the writers. Arya would be the best one though.
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
Damn cant believe Game of Thrones ended with such a fart.
Nanis23 posted...
@UltimaterializerX did you really read the spoilers and then posted them as "predictions"?
I don't want to believe this, I mean I know you are not the nicest person in the world, but you are not a monster, I know this!

Never once read a leak on anything in my entire life. If I enjoy something I go zero dark thirty, a la barely touching the internet leading up to Thrones or Endgame.

I predicted Bran because I thought he was the Night King and wed get some huge well written twist. I wasnt actually expecting him to win in such BADLY written fashion. Hey Bran if you can see the future can you tell us how youd be as king? not being said by anyone is so bad.
Get the X out.
Vinateri was using his god powers on the Pats and then was like "Wait I'm a Colt now lol" and now you have it.

there was also someone that posted something similar except also including the Bran stuff, no black bars, could have been Ulti as well
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I mean Jon killing Dany was going to be one of the most likely scenarios. It was either going to be him or Arya and he was probably the most likely since Arya got the NK kill. There being repercussions for killing her was also likely and taking the black wasn't really that bad a punishment for Jon since that was basically the happiest end for him. He never wanted to be king anyway.

It's not much a stretch for someone to predict that part at least. Bran being King is something that was less likely to be predicted though

For me personally it was pretty funny as I just finished watching Code Geass this weekend and it was easy to draw parallels. Obviously not exactly alike but there's some parallels there

ok this was the Bran predix post

no idea who this guy is though
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xfd it happened again
there was a topic on reddit where they pointed to at least one more bottle in the same scene lmao
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Bran King was always the joke option.

And writers decided to go with the joke.
( SBell )
scarletspeed7 posted...
I predicted Bran as king in episode 1! Don't steal my thunder here.

We can share
2 + 2 = 4
I want the inexplicable Saturday morning cartoon version of Jon, Tormund, and Ghost beyond the wall. They go on adventures and solve mysteries while trying to find Tormund a giant wife. They remember to pet the dog once per episode. That evil warg guy follows them around and tries to thwart them and steal Jon's pikac-I mean direwolf. The Children of the Forest somehow bring Ygrette back Coldhands-style or make her a snazzy white Walker body. Jon is all like "I thought you died!" and she says "you really do know nothing, Jon Snow." Everyone laughs.
DPOblivion was far more determined than me.
Post #30 was unavailable or deleted.
Post #31 was unavailable or deleted.
UltimaterializerX posted...
If you want an example of people clearly reading leaks and "predicting" things

No one wants this, but here you are
2 + 2 = 4
Ulti's prediction always centered around Bran being the Night King. I don't think he read leaks and shared them.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
GranzonEx posted...

ok this was the Bran predix post

no idea who this guy is though

The best part of this is they filmed an ending with Tyrion dying and the leaks didn't know which would make it to air.

So him saying Tyrion dies or doesn't is still 100% in line with the leaks
I'm not sure who this MI guy is but he sounds sexy.
Finally saw the ending. Didn't expected all of that but I remember when people were saying that Bran should be a king because someone with a wheelchair is sitting on a throne is too meta.
So overall season 8 was the weakest but still nice visuals!
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
Post #36 was unavailable or deleted.
TotallyNotMI posted...
GranzonEx posted...

ok this was the Bran predix post

no idea who this guy is though

The best part of this is they filmed an ending with Tyrion dying and the leaks didn't know which would make it to air.

So him saying Tyrion dies or doesn't is still 100% in line with the leaks

And the fact that even mentioning Tyrion seems out of line with the rest of his comments. Why single out Tyrion there when he's seemingly covering the fate of the Starks. And if you are going to expand beyond the Starks then why only Tyrion and nobody else
UltimaterializerX posted...
ExThaNemesis posted...
Ulti's prediction always centered around Bran being the Night King. I don't think he read leaks and shared them.

Im still pissed we got no answers on this, too. Like Night King dying, okay sure. I get it. Needed to happen.

But we got ZERO answers as to motivations or anything. For all we know Bran COULD still be the guy.

Yeah I thought Bran would be the NK too. Or at the very least have a strong link to him but nothing.

I read an article somewhere this morning that said they didn't expand on the White Walkers because they would do so in the spinoff. Which is a copout reason to me but makes sense if they want to milk as much cash as possible
The spinoff will be thousands of years in the past too. So what is there to expand?
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
they will expand on it in the sense that they will show the children of the forest creating the white walkers, who are a weapon to destroy the first men. we already know all of that. the reason they didn't expand on who the night king is? because there is no night king in the books, they just made him up for there to be a big bad villain because we like something simple and easy to digest like that in our content slop. the only 'night king' in the books was just some asshole like craster.
Also Daenarys fans are so LIVID about the fact that she and Drogon just flew off and they got no closure lol
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Smash Ultimate Switch Code: SW-6933-1523-8505
I don't get all the talks about Bran being the NK. Like, when did that start becoming a thing / theory in the show and why?
( SBell )
Something in Season 6 I believe.
So why we exist? What happens when we stop existing?
ExThaNemesis posted...
Also Daenarys fans are so LIVID about the fact that she and Drogon just flew off and they got no closure lol

...Shes dead. What more closure are they looking for.
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
Why in gods name would Drogon just leave
Game of Thrones Spin Off 3: Drogon Does Essos.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
PerfectChaosZ posted...
Why in gods name would Drogon just leave

There's nothing left for him in Westeros anymore. That part is fine to me.
Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
Obellisk posted...
I don't get all the talks about Bran being the NK. Like, when did that start becoming a thing / theory in the show and why?

I genuinely think it is just because the night king kind of looks like him. There is just no legitimate reason to think that Bran is a character that doesn't even exist in the books or is somehow in control of the white walkers. They are just old magical weapons of the children of the forest that have re-awakened, with fire magic like the dragons and the lord of light seemingly returning around the same time. The question is what triggered the return of magic, which had seemingly been dormant in Westeros. People have theories but we don't really know.
PerfectChaosZ posted...
Why in gods name would Drogon just leave

He's looking for more chairs to burn

Real talk I honestly love Drogon showing actual intelligence and understanding in that scene
DPOblivion was far more determined than me.
This guy that Drogon had already been shown to hate killed his mom and he attacks a chair and runs off. That's not intelligence and understanding.
Board 8 » Game of Thrones Season 8: Final Topic [spoilers]
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