Let's be honest..the contest was a mess from a technical viewpoint

Board 8

Board 8 » Let's be honest..the contest was a mess from a technical viewpoint
And I hope @SBAllen will read this and realize what he need to do next time
Keep in mind most of those were fixed later, but they were not supposed to be broken to begin with-

1.Changing a winner on the bracket made all previous picks removed and required to be picked again
2.It was impossible to see your score in the first 6 days of the contest
3.It was impossible to see your second chance bracket without a direct link to the URL, which was fixed a few hours later (or a day later, I don't remember)
4.Some wrong picks show up in yellow in the "My Bracket" page instead of red
5.After voting, you no longer can see the match pictures, besides deleting cookies/using another browser. Probably by design, but many people hated this
6.Until very recently, people that put a tiebreaker of 0 couldn't see their tiebreaker pick in the "My Bracket" page
7.The "pick stats" of the correct picks was broken. I seem to recall stuff like showing that the loser had a much higher prediction percent than the winner, but that was because it included every other scenario than the actual winner winning
8.We couldn't see the "voting stats" at all, it required Luster to figure out how many anonymous votes were cast and how many registered votes

Granted, most of those were fixed. But they were fixed late, and they were supposed to be working correctly from the very beginning
The first one was a conscious decision, not a bug.
"Someday I'll catch up, and then you'll all be surprised!"
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Board 8 » Let's be honest..the contest was a mess from a technical viewpoint