B8 PokerStars VR (and bluffave again?)

Board 8

Board 8 » B8 PokerStars VR (and bluffave again?)

Pokerstars has a new VR app, I'm about to try. Anyone else have VR too?

Regardless, we should start up some of our poker games on http://www.bluffave.com/B8 again... gotta practice more
2 + 2 = 4
I would do more bluffave
SeabassDebeste BK_Sheikah00 Grand_Kirby WAY TO GO THERE BOIYS, GOOD GAMEFAQS BOYS
Poker VR is amazing. Controls are great and there's tons of hilarious toys you can play with. People seemed to play like live too unlike the nonsense online games you normally get.
2 + 2 = 4
SeabassDebeste BK_Sheikah00 Grand_Kirby WAY TO GO THERE BOIYS, GOOD GAMEFAQS BOYS
I'm down to play tonight
2 + 2 = 4
one of these nights i'll be free maybe
SeabassDebeste BK_Sheikah00 Grand_Kirby WAY TO GO THERE BOIYS, GOOD GAMEFAQS BOYS
Board 8 » B8 PokerStars VR (and bluffave again?)