DBZ Dokkan Battle Topic - Thank You Tickets Return

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Board 8 » DBZ Dokkan Battle Topic - Thank You Tickets Return
Tanabata tickets are Thank You tickets for us. Lots of free stones from the logins and missions for this celebration. Lord Slug Story event coming real soon (probably tomorrow) and has farmable Kid Gohan, Kaioken Goku and Lord Slug cards.

Im still working on missions for the new Bardock event revamp. Killing 500 Frieza soldiers so boring.
Isn't Lord Slug a pretty good Giant card?
The F2P one is not a Giant form card sadly. The summonable one is though and seems pretty decent. He should be popping up in the LR Bardock banner around 1-3am Eastern I think.
Bonus Team for the Lord Slug event is Namekians. Hope you guys have pulled lots of DB Saga Piccolos because you will need them.
I need to spend that 1000 stamina to get the last ticket to fully unlock my Str SSG Goku! I use him on my two main teams so it's extremely helpful.
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I might try to 100% STR ssj3 goku since he gets that EZA.
I bought two copies of AGL SSB Goku to rainbow him and one copy of INT Hell Fighter #17 to rainbow him.

The Hell Fighter was maybe a waste but he'll be good if I ever pull an Android lead. Not really sure how to spend the rest of the tickets.
Man I can't believe INT Fusion 13 isn't one of the ticket rewards. He would be super useful
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
I summoned on the LR Bardock banner for Lord Slug.... I regret my words and deeds
What did you get?
INT Goten and TEQ Great Ape Bardock
Turns out I only needed two more dupes to max him out, soooo

Nice. Im like halfway through the 500 soldier mission for Bardocks event. What an awful grind.

Dokkan Awakenings for the waifu cards along with 2 new ones Kid Chichi and Brianne in her non-fat form lol
I really don't know if I want to commit 500 gregory medals into farming the SA for TEQ Bardock but apparently he's not bad?
Did they really have to make waifu cards out of children? This isnt FGO , Dokkan should have more class than this!
finally started and completed the ss3 goku eza

transforming frieza easy MVP, though I should have used a friend Golden Frieza and more resurrected warriors/less just extreme teq way sooner
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I appreciate having things to do right now but why do they throw everything at you at once? We had a month or two with basically nothing to do and now there are 4-5 new events with missions, farmable items, farmable cards and a WT. They really need to pace this stuff out better!
U7 is the worst bonus category ugh. I have basically nothing for it. Monaka event is up and uses it as the bonus drop.
Really? I just basically got all of the drops from the Universal Survival missions and could fill up a team no problem.
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USS uses different characters. The U7 Rep Category is super small and extremely limited. I can make a team, but my bonus isnt high because I dont have PHY 17, LR Goku/Frieza or SSBE Vegeta which would provide much higher boosts
U7 what a great category
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Actually, now that I think about it I do have Teq 18, Int UI Goku, and Agl Shape Up Majin Buu rounding out my team, so maybe I did luck out with some drops. I'm using the Internet 17 for my leader and Goku/Frieza for my friend though, so that's been helping me get through this alright.
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Im running F2P 17, F2P 18, UI Goku, Angel Golden Frieza, SSBKK Goku and Fit Buu. Hoping I can get the SSBE Vegeta one day
Apparently a transforming Goku Black card is coming to Japan? That might mean a new transforming Vegito Blue card too since they always seem to show up together.
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does anyone even read this
Guess theyre saving the true hype of transforming Cell and SS2 Gohan for Year 4 Anniversary
I like this new trend of card art that makes characters look like they have jojo stands.
Wow there are 4 Kais in the shop for this Monaka event, but its a fucking miracle if you get more than 6-10 drops per run and the Kais add up to like 700+ :/
Yeah and you also need to spend 100 to get enough Beerus medals to awaken Monaka. I ran the event 20 times for the missions and ended up with around 160.
I might not even bother with them, but well see. Still farming dumb Bardock medals. Still gotta farm Kaioken Gokus and Slugs too
Got TEQ GA Bardock and farmed his SA to max. The F2P Kaioken Goku is maxed out and Dokkand. Got enough Lord Slugs in case I ever pull the one that can Dokkan. Just grinding out the rest of these missions and cards now. I gotta max PHY, AGL and TEQ Kaioken Goku....gonna be rough lol
Just finished the Battlefield refresh on my first try, the typings worked out a lot better than the first time. I only have one AGL team so I was a little worried about 2 STR fights but my EXT INT team was able to beat Broly.

Actually my rainbow Baby Vegeta went ape and solo'd him in 3 turns so I don't know how difficult that would have been otherwise.
Looks like Full Power SSJ4 Goku is coming soon.
Gonna be more farming too Jesus what the hell. Game was dead for a month and now theres an overwhelming amount of stuff to do
They're skipping Cel's EZA again and going to Ultimate Gohans. I guess they really are saving Cell until the Future category comes out.
full power goku banner should be today
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I feel like its a trap, but at the same time I could use Omega, SS4 Vegeta, SS4 Gogeta and the new SS4 Goku....Christmas is so close though and will probably be amazing
Im going to do one multi and save the rest for this Broly thing
Might do a few multi's but not going too ham on this banner.
I used the knife. I saved a child. I won a war. God forgive me.
Goku banner is up. No special deals or anything for it. Has quite a few great cards, but I think Im gonna wait and see if anything more hype leaks before the banner goes away
Pulled the Goku banner. Got LR SS4 Goku.

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he's not an LR but congrats

I got dicked
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Wait, he isn't? I thought Satan riding Buu meant it was LR, but I guess it counts are EZA too then?
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Satan riding Buu is only an LR on non-Dokkan Fest banners really. Dokkan Fest banners typically never have LRs aside from the time they released LR Gogeta and LR Vegito anyways. Those two are coming back on a banner in like a week or two.
Didn't get anything all that good, but I now have enough dupes to unlock all paths on STR God Goku.
Did a multi on the FP SS4 banner, got STR Android 21.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
Almost have 550 stones now. Cell and Frieza grinds are done. Next up is 18 and 17.
Holy **** I just pulled LR Trunks!
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
Board 8 » DBZ Dokkan Battle Topic - Thank You Tickets Return
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