What are some crazy video game opinions you have?

Board 8

FFTA2 is great. (I see people like FFTA, but no one talks about its sequel)
Star Ocean 4 is the best Star Ocean by far (and I HAVE played all 5 of them) Lymle's backstory is actually really interesting. Edge had a good reason to go emo for a bit. And Sarah's voice fits her personality.
Also Star Ocean 5 is average, not the worst thing ever. The combat was interesting and I liked the mystery about Relia. and Feria
I can't get into the Persona Series. Only one I beat was 3. I played 4, but then someone spoiled who the killer was.
Pixels was a good movie. (I know this is for video games, but the movie is about video games.)
Don't mess with a Bunny!