I quit Spirit of Justice halfway through. I started it back up again *spoilers*

Board 8

Game beated. It kinda suffers from JFA-syndrome, in that there's really nothing great about it until its finale. However, the highs aren't as high, and the lows most certainly aren't as low. I don't have great recollections of Case 1, 2 and 4, other than how I felt about them as a whole. Case 1 was a good to great opening, Case 2 was about average as a case, and Case 4 only beats, out of the non-opening cases, 1-2, 2-3, and 4-3, I guess? It's probably just below 4-2, 4-4, and a good 3 of AAI's cases.

Overall, I feel like that gives it a pretty clear-cut place in my rankings:

AAI2 > T&T > DD > SoJ > PW:AA > JFA > AAI > AJ

And since that concludes the series for me, let's do some full case-rankings! God help me.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform