I started Xenoblade Chronicles for the first time tonight.

Board 8

See, I like Tidus a lot. He's actually one of my favorite video game protagonists ever. Uh... I guess spoilers for FFX, but who hasn't played it that's gonna still be in this topic. Whatever.

The whole game, he has Auron telling him this is his story and he has to become the hero, but he fights it almost every step of the way, because the only thing he's known is how to be the biggest Blitzball star since his dad. As he travels through this new foreign land to him, he starts to see how fucked up everything is in how the world is being run, constantly being lied to to uphold this tradition of sacrifice, and that's when he finally decides to embrace his role as hero, to fight this corruption. It's a really refreshing change of pace from how a traditional RPG is told, and I found Tidus to be incredibly relatable.

In this game, Dunban tries to be Auron, the rational guy who leads the main characters down the right path, but he has the same motive Shulk does in saving/avenging Fiora, and as a result, it feels like everyone's just glossing over really important information being shoved in their face because they all have blinders on. I thought Melia might turn into an Auron-like character that would remind the crew that bigger stakes exist than getting revenge, but now her dad's been killed, so those hopes are beginning to fade.

I just want the team to think about what their ultimate goal might really be once in a while. If they just had a moment with Zanza, when he'd asked Shulk to allow him to unshackle the Monado, to kinda debate amongst themselves why that might be useful in stopping the Mechon assault, that would've been perfect timing. Then I at least know they're sort of aware of things going on around them. While they discuss this, Metal Face can kill Zanza and they would realize their indecision led to a moment of weakness and they'll be more unified in stopping the looming Mechon threat. Then when Fiora shows up, that can throw them back on the Fiora track this game keeps going down, and it would be more complicated and I'd be way more invested. Instead, the scene plays out with Melia butting in with "no Shulk don't do that" and Shulk goes "but I need this" and Melia says "oh ok" and nothing actually happens between the team whatsoever.

I just want there to be a "Tidus finds out what the pilgrimage really is" kind of moment where the team is finally together on saving the world.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform