This 20 y/o Colorado Girl was BULLIED because her JAWLINE looked like a WITCH!!.

Board 8

Is Lauren Hot?

20 y/o Lauren Whitt from Colorado had to finish her high school years ONLINE because bullies kept calling her a WITCH..but now she's found her confidence after having surgery to BREAK HER JAW!!

She received double jaw surgery to repair a deformity that caused her to have an enlarged Jay Leno like chin after it made it difficult to eat, breath and speak!!

She was bullied constantly by girls and boys who called her a witch and ugly to her face...and it didn't get better after transferring to another school either so she finished her last 2 years online

An orthodontist advised her to have surgery at 12 to fix the class 3 underite and underveloped jaw but delaying it made it worse over the years.

But 4 months ago after breaking both jaws and putting them back together with 36 screws and bone grafted in her skin, she has a new look

The criminal justice student said "I could not live life like that any longer, it was making me miserable. I waited until i was an adult to get surgery because i did not want to go through something so painful as a kid. I was brutally bullied for years because of the way i looked, so this is a major confidence booster"

Her surgeon said her underbite was the most severe he's ever seen and it was the most complicated surgeries as well..

But after weeks of recovery on a liquid diet, her lisp is gone and she can now eat properly again with a new jaw!. She can enjoy burgers, fries and other hard foods but it was a rewarding experience for Lauren to be normal again....

Is Lauren Hot? let's see what people think

Lauren before -

Lauren after -
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