Fix This Game Day 5: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Board 8

1. Remove "Master your wiimote's batteries are nearly depleted."
2. Remove truth stones or whatever the fuck they were called.
3. Replace all copy cat bosses with brand new bosses.
4. Make flying faster and give you more stuff to do in the air. Flying should not be even worse sailing.
5. Tone down the use of the beetle and/or make the beetle move much faster.
6. Change the Tadnote quest or remove it.
7. Eliminate emphasis on fetch quests.
8. Add fishing
9. Add an on screen indicator somehow on where your motion is moving so you can adjust for enemies that require more precise movements.
10. Change the game story where the time stone is a key element to it.
Kokoro's Anime Channel:
Updated: July 27th, 2016.