Favorite Genesis album?

Board 8

Favorite Genesis album?

I wanna know which era is preferred. (this is also when I wish polls had twelve options to cover all twelve albums that matter. I decided that nobody would vote for their final album, We Can't Dance, and left that off... yell at me if for some reason you're voting for that.)

I'm one of the few who prefers Phil Collins as vocalist. The musicianship of Selling England by the Pound and The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is fantastic and beautiful, of course, but Phil brings less of the odd, quirky British humour and more emotion to the table. I'd probably vote for A Trick of the Tail, personally.
BlueCrystalTear | GNT BB4 Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner
3DS 4356-4163-4781 X/M: Natalie AS: Allie | You're living your own life. You're you.