What are your thoughts on Final Fantasy VIII?

Board 8

Don't like most of the cast, hate the love story (which the story heavily focuses on). Those are pretty much dealbreakers for me. In particular I don't like Squall's initial stance of not wanting to be a hero/leader, not having any conviction in the rightness of what he's doing, and then having leadership forced upon him. I've never been much for reluctant heroes generally.

And then I find Rinoa to be no end of obnoxious the way she won't leave Squall alone. I guess I am projecting somewhat because I am also a person with a shell, and frankly I like it and am quite comfortable in here, and if someone tried to drag me out Rinoa-style I would hate it. So it feels really forced to me that it magically works on Squall and they wind up together.

Battle system I'm ambivalent on; I didn't like it that much when playing but I didn't know how to break it properly. I'd probably enjoy it more on a replay.

Stuff I liked:
- Great soundtrack (although I don't care for the world map music and regular battle theme, which is kind of a downer in-game)
- Deling City sorceress assassination mission is one of my favorite plot sequences in any RPG - I love how there are so many moving pieces on the board and the whole thing keeps nearly going off the rails only to be saved and then veer off again
- Top tier final dungeon
You put your RESOLVE HAT back on, which conveniently is the same hat as your NORMAL HAT.