swordz9 plays Simba's Mighty Adventure PS1 (spoilers)

Board 8

Apparently this game is by Disney, Activision and Paradox Development. I googled the last and they didn't list this game at all under games they've developed so that's clearly a good sign. Opening is a clip directly from the movie with Simba being held up in the air while Circle of Life plays. For some mysterious reason triangle is the back button. I have never seen any game made BACK be TRIANGLE.

Stage 1 - Pride Rock. Another clip ripped from the movie plays. After that it shows me various colored Lion Paws each worth a different amount of points. I need 100 points to complete the level...I uh hope the whole game isn't going to be like that. Oh hey there's voice acting. Zazu sounds the same as he does in the movie so it's either the same guy or a very good replacement voice. I can't imagine they got everybody from the movie to do this so I'd expect at least some. Oh dear god I can't move with the left analog and you can't turn the camera either. This is going to be so awkward. I'm young Simba and all I can do is jump, roll and his trademark roar. Oh hey there are SIMBA letter tokens to collect too like in Donkey Kong. That's the first game that comes to mind anyways.

Oh my god there are flying enemies. What the fuck am I supposed to do when my attacks are like a 1m roar and a roll? I can't hit this stupid flying beetle at all. I have over 100 points now and the level hasn't ended so it must be a requirement by the end of the stage. Uncle Scar tells me to Roll to defeat my enemies. It took me 15 tries to roll into this moving beetle. Such amazing controls! Oh NOW it tells me I can POUNCE enemies by jumping and then hitting the roll button. Maybe introduce that sooner not that it's any easier to hit enemies with because it's more like a delayed belly flop than a pounce. There are gourd items to collect too that probably do something or other.

Level 1 CLEAR. I died about 4 times and they were all from falling off edges thanks to how awkward Simba moves and him having this weird startup run animation thing he does if you hold a direction for more than half a second. It says O will do BONUS which I'm assuming is a bonus level. Apparently it's a matching game so I guess it's just a Mini Game. Doesn't seem like you win anything doing it either. What a great bonus.