Scarlet and Ed's really cool comics topic

Board 8

Super Sons #11

Hey what do you know. Another Everyone hates Batman and Batman hates Everyone else story. Well Tim Drake as Batman. Same difference. Joy. I was enjoying this title a lot more when it was, you know, mainly about Damien and Jon. Instead, this is basically just a second Teen Titans and I don't even read the first Teen Titans. This one is probably getting relegated to the trash bin in the wake of all the new titles. I do have to admit the last few panels where we start getting into Teen Titanception I am admittedly pretty hooked.

Batwoman #10

And so ends the Bennett run on this title. I at no point gave much of a shit about anything she tried to accomplish with this story, though Blanco's art was phenomenal with this scarecrow duology. Pretty glad to be done with this title. My enthusiasm for this character has significantly waned. I miss when this character was about unraveling supernatural threats and doing things her own way with the military support.

Nightwing: The New Order #5 (of 6)

The penultimate issue, let's see what it has in store. Ironically, this story does feature a Batwoman I am more interested in! The melodrama built over the course of the story is REALLY coming to a head here! I really enjoy them finally placing Dick's actions into context and the way in which they built the remaining resistance with well...Dick's FINAL decision.

Spider-Gwen #27

Gwenom arc is in FULL swing. This move where Gwen is finally going full on vigilante mode. Her move against this corrupt cop, using her powers in base more unrestrained ways. It reminds me of a brand of superheroism we havent seen since Morrison's Action Comics run. The Frank Castle arc coming back around here - the looming spectre of Matt Murdock even now that she is off the chain, this is brilliant stuff. Especially the use of Uncle Ben as a moral conscience.

Incidentally, Scarlet have you seen any previews for New Challengers, Brimstone or The Unexpected?

Do you plan on picking any of these 8 titles up? A lot of them feel like theyre similar to titles youve proposed in the past.
Board 8's Voice of Reason