Scarlet and Ed's really cool comics topic

Board 8

Eddv's way late comic thoughts

Aquaman 31

Federici is god. The splash pages in this book. My GOD, the detail, the style. This is the best illustrated book anyone is putting out right now. The story here feels like its directly out of an epic fantasy. All of the things I love about Conan, He-Man and Red Sonja are on display here but ratcheted up. The mixing of all these differently intersecting intrigues and its just masterful work by Abnett plotting this out. Week in and week out this is the best title DC is putting out, much as it pains me to say that he's beating the pants off King....he is.

Dark Nights Metal 4

This is still just a little bit dense for my tastes and the Batman god complex stuff... I am SO over it. it is my sincere hope that this is the swan song for Snyder on Batman. That said, the lore stuff here is excellent and unpacking the idea of a dark universe and the...inconsistency of having villains like Black Adam and Vandal Savage. Still definitely on board. I love any story that Hawkman is central to though so hey. But lets stop recycling this same interpretation.

Hawkman Found #1

This was completely unhelpful. Beautiful art but its like they went to extraordinary lengths to avoid illustrating much of anything. Waste of 5 bucks.

Doomsday Clock #2

Well, just one page in and I already regret this purchase. The Watchmen really just isn't for me the sooner this moves on into...well a more Metal-ish epic encounter stuff. This is just....faux philosophical crap that belongs in its gravestone back in the 90s. The actual story did begin to be more...bearable. But this is a cast full of completely unlikable characters with the possible exception of the mime. Not being a fan of the Watchmen, the return of the Comedian means nothing to me. I already ordered two more of these so hopefully this picks up. The Geoff Johns name means a lot but that welcome is going to be worn out.

Nightwing #35

The start of a new era on this title. My first impression is that I am instantly not as much of a fan of this art. It feels really disjointed - a new voice for Dick after so much continuity for so long was really truly jarring. I take it The Judge is an old villain come home to roost? Either way after the Blockbuster/King Shark angle ANOTHER Casino-centered angle. Gym owner is a bad angle, but hopefully he does...something with it. The cast-offs and Defacer being written off with no trace is ok i GUESS, but to act like Dick has no contacts in Bludhaven feels really...marvel. The twist of Svoboda at the end was a pretty nice twist though, just enough to buy this thing a couple more issues to see what Humphries has planned. Really surprised you loved it so much david, what worked for you here, because a lot of it didnt for me.

Wonder Woman #37

Nothing gets me in a sour mood when I open up a Wonder Woman comic and seeing the word "Steve". But I won't let that ruin what is an otherwise amazing run Robinson is off to. This is a pretty great way to advance this Grail/Darkseid vs Wonder Woman angle and really raised the stakes and yet left room to reset. And in the end, Steve never appeared. Win/win! Sideways preview was very fun!

Batman #37

I groan every time I have to read the Super Couple, but King makes it work! The opening few panels were good clean fun. And then good sexy fun. Mann's art here is so detailed and reminds me a lot of the art on the old Batman/Superman series. But the dialogue here and the whole relationship. Sorry its still super forced and I still don't like Lois at all. It was cute but honestly, forgettable duology. Do better next time, King.
Board 8's Voice of Reason