This 18 y/o New York SKANK Stole $5 from an Uber Driver and BRAGGED about it!!!!

Board 8

If someone stole 5 bucks from you, would you let it go?

18 y/o Tramp, "Gabita" from Brooklyn, New York was the girl who brazenly stole an Uber Driver's TIP JAR Money as she's been mocked online for her crime!!

She was identified on footage as the camera recorded the whole thing of her stealing from Mohammed H. Bhuiyan's jar in August..and now it's gone viral!

The scantinly-clad heifer looked into the camera before reaching into the jar and snatched the cash as she and 2 friends got out. Mohammed notices the missing money and tries to get them.

Gabita was remorseless and REVELED into stealing that money and shared screenshots of news articles of it on her instagram and said she "only" took 5 bucks from him which she claimed she returned it later....

Before getting into the Uber Driver's car, she posed in UNDERWEAR in Crown heights for her instagram pics

On the same day, a male friend of hers in that car taunted police by sitting in front of a line up of cops sitting on a locked up bicycle and captioned it with "Who's bike"

According to Mohammed who drove these hooligans, Uber dropped the matter when they contacted Gabita who denied it and told the driver to contact police but Mohammed said he was too busy and dropped it. Uber contacted him again and to offer him support and banned Gabita from Uber

Although the app is cashless, uber drivers have the freedom to solicit tips from passengers and they can also tip from their phone .

If someone stole $5 from you, would you let it go? let's see what people will vote

Gabita - Thieving Skank

Her friends in the car -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!