Actress who was NINE in the film HALLOWEEN is a real B**** IRL!! Is She a MILF?.

Board 8

Is Kyle a "MILF" now?

You may not know her in movies anymore but 48 y/o Kyle Richards was NINE when she got the minor role of "Lindsey" in the horror hit "Halloween" in 1978, starring Jamie Lee Curtis!!

She was the innocent neighbor who was being babysat by Laurie's best friend in the movie "Annie" who met her untimely demise in the film..

Kyle is now famous for being a REAL B**** irl as she's now the wife of a rich husband and starred in the hit show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills...

She was also on Celebrity Apprentice with Arnold Swartzeneggar but only lasted 5 weeks on the show before she was fired.

If you think she was a dramatic b**** on that show, friends say she's also a real b**** irl as well...

Is Kyle a MILF now? let's see what people will vote

Kyle in Halloween -

Kyle - Present time
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