Rate the Character Day 43: Negan (Walking Dead)

Board 8

KamikazePotato posted...
Making distinctions between mediums is important. Like in the L (Death Note) topic it was really silly that the manga/anime version and the Netflix movie version were counted as the same character.

Honestly, too bad, so sad. The only few considerations for this I would consider have pretty much been named. And I likely will not run polls on those anyways. The point of this series is really to include all incarnations of a character together. There are a ton of Sherlock Holmes-es; if/when we rate him, that's a day. That's the ball game. Only when a narrative makes a point of the distinction between two versions of a character will I consider it important enough to make that sort of distinction on a polling day. For example, on the day of Poseidon, I said that it included any version of Poseidon as a god of the sea just for clarification's sake.

I don't like that some people haven't read or seen some things I love and base it off of things I don't, but that's how the game goes. People are entitled to vote based off of their experiences with a character. The only time I discount votes is when someone obviously has no experience with the character and is just throwing in a random rating (Preston).
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer