Rate the Character Day 4: Scarecrow (DC Comics)

Board 8

Which Game of Thrones character should be rated tomorrow?

Welcome to the most must-see recurring thread on Board 8. I'm scarletspeed7, and this is Rate the Character. I'll pick a category, you pick a character, and every day we'll rate one character. You are the raters, they are the characters, you rate the characters. Boom.

Yesterday, Darth Vader scored the second highest placement with a 7.723 average.

All ratings are on scale of 1-10. You may rate any previous characters you have yet to rate at any point; please post them in the thread. View your ratings here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P47gZ8N7QcS-ShXYjvteOnd_aCJbv3AcJdipiUChhAg/edit?usp=sharing

Today's character is the Scarecrow, a longtime antagonist of Batman.

"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer