Day 6: 10 Samurai vs 20 Velociraptors

Board 8

Who ya got?

Day 1: 12 Wolves barely beat 2 Tigers with 51.67% of the vote. (60 votes)
Day 2: 25 Giraffes smacked the crap out of 12 Wolves with 59.46% of the vote. (37 votes)
Day 3: 1 Elephant went all out Ganesh on 25 lanky Giraffes with 52.70% of the vote. (74 votes)
Day 4: 10 Samurai went all elephant soku zan on 1 poor elephant with 78.95% of the vote. (76 votes)
Day 5: 10 Samura i were pissed they weren't nominated and destroyed all members of this year's UOTY with 72.86% of the vote. (70 votes)

These battles take place in about a 2 acre sized dome. Completely flat terrain.

The Samurai have no protective armor but they are all adept swordsmen and each have one traditional Japanese Katana.

The Velocripators are Velociraptors.
124 Gurus were better than me in BGE 2015 contest! But the best of all was DpObliVion! Congrats!