I am not done talking about Bloodborne (Post-Defiled Chalice edition)

Board 8

for those who might remember my first topic, which ended at about the end of the DLC
youll be happy to know that I Just cant put this game down
despite its headaches

as indiciated by the title I have cleared the Defiled chalice now
had to make liberal use of my HP/heal-up runes, vitality stat and for a certain boss, max arcane resistance (which somehow did more than max fire resistance)

Watchdog of the Old Lords Redux was pretty tough. not because of that instakill charge though, could avoid that pretty easily.. after the first few rounds.
it was that fire-creating claw swipe that got me a lot of times, he likes to use that up close and I couldnt always dodge it in time
also since I was going for the 'bait its bite and strike the head' tactic. I usually took a lot of damage when he made two bites in a row (I feel sawspear would have been better here than sawcleaver or ludwig blade, but whatever)

Defiled Amygdala was a different kind of challenge. No instant kills except for that jump. But I knew never to move once he did the jump, since he would never land where I was standing. Didnt always work, sometimes I wasnt standing in the right spot or I was still moving when he did the jump. and in my final run I didnt even get to abuse his AI that way. rather I kept attacking the head once I got to the final phase until a visceral opportunity presented itself, and after that I just shot away at its health with optic laserblasts!

since things are going so well, I might just do a new game + too
(otherwise I probably wouldnt have made this topic)
3DS FC: 3437-4283-5849 IGN: Alice