How do decide which games to buy/play?

Board 8

Board 8 » How do decide which games to buy/play?
For me the platform is important and it's usually related to cost and multiplayer features. I no longer buy most games for more than $10 unless it's a current game I really care about or it's a Nintendo game with no hope of being cheap. It kinda sums up to this:

Nintendo systems: Mostly purchase and play current games. Nintendo stuff is notorious for not dropping in price and most of my friends are Nintendo fans that buy on release so I have no incentive to wait.

PC: Mostly this: (Portal 1 spoilers in the link)
I still buy and play new games sometimes (if it's a franchise I love or if I'm playing with friends) and still have a computer capable of playing new games. I'm addicted to cheap PC games.

Other consoles: One generation behind. I just got a PS3 a few months back and have no intention of getting a PS4 or Xbox One until a few years into the next generation. I'm addicted to older cheaper games on consoles too. Uncharted 3 GOTY for $5? Definitely had to grab that.

How about you? Do you get mostly new or older games?
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let b8 pick what I play
Follow BioWare, Naughty Dog, Trails, and Visceral/DICE Star Wars output religiously. Still fail to play this relatively short list of games at launch sometimes because lol me.

Be cautious but still note the existence of Square.

Patiently await strong word on story, characterization, atmosphere etc elsewhere.
Sounds like you'd fit into r/patientgamers.
I tend to just stick to series I like. I'll branch out and try other stuff if I like what I see in reviews and gameplay videos, but money is tight right now. Gotta be absolutely sure I'll love it before i buy.
Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
For any system I buy a game I'm hyped for on some level. I don't get hyped too often though, which means I don't go on crazy sprees ala Steam sales. If a game is out and I've wanted it, I'll buy it.

If I don't know enough about the game I'll check out reviews, maybe gameplay vids, general context of the game/developer and go from there.
Oh I should mention which developers I like. Basically most stuff from Nintendo and Rockstar, now some more Naughty Dog as well. It used to also be Valve and Maxis as well but those are hard to care about for me these days.
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I have an Xbox One, and sales are good enough so that XCOM 2 is the only game I've bought that was any more than $20 (it was $30)
Currently playing: Fallout: New Vegas, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Halo: The Master Chief Collection
GT: WalkingWiki35
Zachnorn posted...
Uncharted 3 GOTY for $5? Definitely had to grab that.

or you could have gotten all 3 for $8 on PS4!
MZero , to the extreme
"2017 Guru champ BKSheikah is racist against cute Pokemon." - Luster
I buy mostly anything that catches my eye. Used to spend way too much and have cut down immensely since fatherhood. I no longer purchase the same game for multiple consoles which I used to do.
Currently playing: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (NS)
Oh as for playing. I generally play what I want or ask the board with a poll if I have trouble deciding. I no longer play bad-average games anymore and usually look at reviews and user consensus before deciding to play a game. After all time is much more precious now than it was say 10 years ago and I'd rather not waste it on a ****ty game.
Currently playing: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (NS)
I only buy games I'm extremely excited about and that I believe will last me awhile at full price, as well as sports games and the occasional shooter because those are best experienced at launch.

Otherwise I wait for price drops and sales. Generally, when a game hits $30, I pull the trigger.

The result is that I play 4-5 AAA games a year when they're released, with everything else usually being from the year before.
Congrats BKSheikah, BYIG Guru champion!
MZero11 posted...
Zachnorn posted...
Uncharted 3 GOTY for $5? Definitely had to grab that.

or you could have gotten all 3 for $8 on PS4!

Really? Damn. I can't complain that much though because the other two games were $3 each and even then I got them free as part of a promotion at GameStop along with a $120 250 GB PS3 and other games.
i research games ahead of time and buy ones that i'm convinced i will enjoy. if i'm not sure, i wait until they're ridiculously cheap

being from a developer i trust makes a huge difference

i'm generally a /patientgamer. exceptions are when friends peer pressure me into buying something multiplayer, or games that explicitly benefit from the large online playerbase upon launch (mmos and dark souls types)

i've been lucky enough to have a friend that shares his ps+ account with me, so i end up playing new games anyway
You did indeed stab me in the back. However, you are only level one, whilst I am level 50. That means I should remain uninjured.
ninkendo posted...
buy all games

let b8 pick what I play
And theeen, we do stuff like, 'Persona!' with our Personas and beat the crap outta Shadows...
Board 8 hype and Steam reviews are the biggest factors for me. Every so often I'll also check out professional reviews. If it's a multiplayer game that friends are playing then I might grab it just for that.

Most of the games I play are somewhat older due to waiting for sales. Feels really bad to buy a game, not play it (due to backlog), and then see it on sale (or a better sale) six months down the line.
another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
I play cheaper games that my friends are willing to play, plus sports games and nintendo games to keep me occupied if i feel like playing something when they arent in the mood.

Currently playing with them: age of empires 2 hd, dungeon defenders 2, and smite. Considering going back to minecraft soon. Do some old games with gold like civ rev as well. Destiny 2 will likely bet he first modern triple a game we willl play together in 6 months at least.
These minor spelling errors were brought to you by an ipad having no real feedback to enable me to know when i mistype and my own laziness.
I don't really have an established pattern in what I buy. It varies frequently between new game that I want, old games that I've been interested in and am finally getting around to it, and this game is cool and is on sale, so I'll get it to play later.
Epsil -
Board 8 » How do decide which games to buy/play?