so today was about doujin works, covered vocaloid, comiket, etc... but showcase for me is passing around this H manga and warning everyone of the adult material
finally it comes to me and turns out it's not just ero manga... but futa-ish ero manga
hrmmmmm due to the crappy quality of the pic I took I can actually post a pic (sadly forgot my phone at home so in desperation I used... my laptop)
now that I'm in the library I looked it up and found it so I can't confirm how much it was actually futa vs juts being about a girl with a crossplaying boy, but from what I remember flipping through in class there was lots of dick focus, and I think I saw two dicks towards the end
some other materials passed around (although it wasn't until late that I surrendered to laptop pics):
... don't mind the figure & mikleo badge on my desk, I only had it to give to the girl next to me since she couldn't get Tales of Festival tickets... the figure was a free throw-in because I don't even know who it is but apparently her sister is a super fan
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.