This 33 y/o MUSICIAN Committed Suicide by FIRE and RAN into his GF's WORKPLACE!.

Board 8

Have you ever been depressed over a bad breakup?

33 y/o Local Musician, Jared McLemore from Memphis, Tennessee died after setting himself on FIRE and ran inside of his ex-girlfriend's workplace in an attempt to PUNISH her for not getting back together with him..and he did it LIVE on Facebook!!

He filmed himself sitting on the road outside a popular bar and broadcast it on his facebook and was standing nearby his ex girlfriend, Alyssa Moore's workplace where she was a sound engineer at a night spot before running inside on fire in front of horrified employees!!..

He has a history of domestic violence and was seen soaked in kerosene and then getting up and walking away before running back and picked up the container of kerosene and poured more on himself and set himself on fire as horrified witnesses heard someone screaming as Jared stood up and ran back into Alyssa's workplace as the video showed flames on the ground..

A witness said he ran inside the bar where people quickly threw towels on him in an attempt to save his life

Kimberly Koehler said "It looked like a movie, like something wearing a flame-retardant suit" as she was performing at the bar

People thought it was a joke but Jared apparently waited until the band stopped playing because he knew Alyssa would walk away from the soundboard

Jared apparently approached Alyssa and mumbled "Goodbye" and then grabbed her arm and wiped it on his chest to show he was covered in kerosene..Apparently he might have been attempting to kill Alyssa as well as he was trying to approach her and yelled "She made me do this"

He has a history of abuse as back in August 2016 he was arrested for strangling Alyssa and was sentenced to probation for domestic violence charges and underwent a mental health evaluation. She had a restraining order against him thereafter..

Have you ever been depressed over a bad break up?

Jared - Deceased

Alyssa -

The Bar where it happened -
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