Best Song From the Game Day 11: Final Fantasy VI

Board 8

What Would You Like to See Next?

Nomination Sheet:

Super Mario Galaxy
Wind Garden ~ Gusty Garden Galaxy - 3
Battlerock ~ Battlerock Galaxy - 2
Comet Observatory 3 - 1
Egg Planet ~ Good Egg Galaxy - 1
Floater Land ~ Buoy Base Galaxy - 1
Hell Prominence ~ Melty Molten Galaxy - 1
The Honeyhive ~ Honeyhive Galaxy - 1

Just say your favorite! It just needs to have originated within the game. Nominate stuff too, but only 5 per topic and no doubling up on the same thing you already nominated.

Day 11: Final Fantasy VI

Some Notable Tracks:
- The Decisive Battle
- Terra
- Aria de Mezzo Carattere
- Searching For Friends
- Dancing Mad

My Vote:
Searching For Friends
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan