Does it make someone dumb to not do their own taxes?

Board 8

Board 8 » Does it make someone dumb to not do their own taxes?
Does it make someone stupid to not do their own taxes?

Today is the final day.

Paying taxes is good.
Draven 2013
Undertale 2015
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I usually do my own, but did not this year because I fucking hate paperwork.
I ****ing love to cuddle.
I'm being oppressed!
it's kinda a pain and I imagine it can be more of one for somebody with more to do

even if you're smart enough I can imagine preferring to get assistance
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I don't feel bad because from what I hear, my states tax system is one of the more complicated ones.
I'm a greener egg than the eggs from dr. seuss
I do taxes for people who make way more money than I do. I don't think those people are dumb.
Ulti was right
In most cases, probably yes. But there are many reasons why it wouldn't be. Not so much here in the case of a video gaming message board website, but it could mean someone makes a ton of money and they don't want to risk messing it up and being audited. It could also mean someone is really busy (not to be confused with lazy which is better categorized under the topic title).

Basically if you make a lot of money and don't do your taxes, that's probably fine. If you don't make much money and don't do your taxes, then probably yeah, it's an intellect thing.
Bells, bells, bells!
in the past I've done my own taxes without submitting the paperwork, also brought it to somebody to do, and invariably have always received a larger return by going 3rd party even accounting for the cost of their service. 3rd party knows how to work the system to increase my return, I just know how to do the basics. Not worth it to me to figure out how to do it on my own.

Def not dumb.
Hot Crossed Dog Butts
Burns then confronted him about the fart and Willie became agitated, telling her to shut up
My own taxes are insanely easy to do on my own but I can for sure understand other people wanting some help without being dumb
I don't think so

some people legit have alot of stuff to do when it comes to their taxes

other people don't have time

and even if they don't have complicated taxes, and have the time, this stuff isn't their strongpoint

it doesn't make them stupid
Unless you have a lot of capital gains or other not normal sources of income, then yes, it makes you dumb.
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This is the first year I've done my own, and it was much easier than I thought it would be. My dad usually has his accountant do the entire family's taxes. I assume his are much more complicated since he makes a lot of money, owns property in, and earns income from other countries, etc. But yeah, judging by how simple my own were, I'm sure a lot of people are just intimidated by the concept, rather than having tried and actually been too dumb to complete it.
Stuff like TurboTax makes it more a matter of being lazy than dumb for most people. If you have actually crazy shit going on with your taxes that goes beyond what simple software can help with, you can't really be faulted for having someone else do them IMO.
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It doesn't matter who does it, provided you understand how it's done. If someone else is doing it for you, like anything else, it's a good idea to know what to do in case you should need to do it yourself.
essentially shizuo "eat your vitamins and say your prayers" heiwajima in an apron.
if you make enough money it's dumb TO do your own taxes
Board 8 » Does it make someone dumb to not do their own taxes?