DilloFAQs: Best Food in Gaming Contest [super saiyan nappa] [dillos]

Board 8

... oh it's actually in the syllabus for this year too!


Akihabara Tour

We will be creating a group. The entire group will be going to Akihabara as a walking tour with some of the themes discussed on first class. During the tour, we will check the co-existence of "Media Contents (Software)", "Hardware" and "Service" influencing and re-inventing of each other creating [an] endless cycle of evolution inside "Akihabara". We will also keep in mind its changes in evolution while we do our next tour in the latter half of this course in spare time. Please note it is not mandatory to join this Akihabara tour if you are already a frequent Akihabara tourist.
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.