Started watching through DR3 last night *spoilers*

Board 8

Despair Arc episode went back to not accomplishing anything augh. This half of the show has had the two best episodes and just a ton of bleh episodes.

Back to the Future time.

Ayyy I was right about Yu's forbidden action. So I'm what? 2 for 16? And the two I got were the two that were foreshadowed to hell and back, but whatever, I'll take it. That and I don't think any of the others had been hinted at enough before their reveal that you could realistically guess them. The chairman's, maybe, but it only became more obvious moments before it was showed. Oh, and I called Monomi a fat liar and then it turned out she was a robot, so that's like a half, I guess.

Oh boy, more cliffhangers. I'm glad I didn't watch this regularly every week. As you probably could've deduced from the breakneck pace I'm setting, I like binge-watching/playing stories I enjoy, so these weekly waits very well could've killed me.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform