Started watching through DR3 last night *spoilers*

Board 8

Gozu's forbidden action is the best one of all of them so far. Of course it would be getting pinned why wouldn't it.

Bye Kirigiri. Not that I wanted any of them to die, but Naegi was probably top of my list. I was holding out hope (lol) that Monaka meant Naegi would kill himself and that's why he'd cause one of the survivors' deaths, but I knew that was beyond what they'd be willing to do. I figured anyone else dying would be sad, but I guess the series has conditioned me to not care that much about the characters I like most, because I honestly don't feel anything about it. I'm actually just impressed that they managed to kill off someone I like in a way that makes sense from a story-making standpoint for once. That has never really been DR's strong suit, but by god, they've done it for what I'd consider the second time all series. Also, I am far from putting it past these guys to worm their way into reviving her through some kinda deus ex machina bulls***.

For the first time after an episode, I scrolled down to the comments to see the consensus, and everyone's complaining that her forbidden action wasn't fair. Really? The guy who wasn't allowed to witness violence in a killing game is whatever, but not letting one person survive 4 days in a game that realistically shouldn't have even taken this long is an unfair rule.

Whatever, let's go kill off Chiaki, my body is ready.
Xbox GT/PSN name/Nintendo ID: TatteredUniform